Design and develop data management security products for enterprises

Key Products

Iraje Privileged Identity Management (PIM) provides the following capabilities: Shared Account Password Management Privileged Session Management Super User Privilege Management Application to Application Management Integration with AD Bridging Tools Executive Reporting

Active+ is a convenient SQL work window, allowing the user to edit, save, recall, and print the SQL commands with ease. While the work area provides ease of use, Active+ provides serious controls on the SQL being executed as the schema owner can define restrictions to SQL commands that can be issued and executed from an Active+ window. Also, all SQL commands executed via Active+ are logged and users can be audited and profiled by viewing the log activity.

ActiveTestBytes provides a simple means of driving referential data from source to target, by allowing the user to define selection criteria on the source. Depending on the conditions, parent and child records for the target are restricted. ActiveTestBytes allows the user to also select driving conditions depending on which all dependent data are restricted based on this driving condition.